-needle felting-

Needle Felting Supplies — Starter Materials

needle felting supplies

I often describe needle felting as the ideal craft– it has a quick learning curve, requires minimal supplies and can be done almost anywhere.  For this post, I want to go into the minimal supply aspect and talk about the three things that you’ll need to start needle felting.

  1. Wool
  2. Needle felting needles
  3. Felting pad


Lots of different types of wool will work for needle felting, but some types felt quicker than others, which ultimately means less stabbing time for you.  My go-to wool is Corriedale (or a Corriedale blend). These fibers are thicker and springier, qualities that allow the fibers to tangle more easily than a thinner, softer wool like Merino.  But if you happen to have Merino wool lying around the house, you can still use it for needle felting– it will just take you a little longer to form the shape that you want.  To save $ on supplies, I first create a “core” of white wool (less expensive) that I then cover with dyed wool (more expensive).

Here is a great sampler pack of dyed Corriedale wool for under $40, and here is a pound of white carded wool from an Etsy seller for under $20.


To get started, all you need are a few size 38 gauge felting needles.  You can purchase them online here  (4-pack) or here (bulk-QTY 30).

You may also want to consider the Clover Pen Tool.  The pen holds three felting needles at the same time, which can moves your project along at a faster pace.  But you wouldn’t want to use the pen tool for finer detail work.


And lastly, you will need a surface that will be able to standup against the sharp needle felting needles but also doesn’t break the needles.  Most people, including me, use a foam pad.  Something like this would provide a great work surface.


2 thoughts on “Needle Felting Supplies — Starter Materials”

  1. I’ve seen a lot of cute children’s decorations made of felt and want to make some for my kids. I appreciate the tips you gave, and the suggestion of using Correidale or a blended one, due to its quality. Once I muster up the confidence to tackle this project of mine, I’ll be sure to get good material, that will last a long time with use.

    1. hi Kourtney! don’t be intimidated by needle felting– it’s really easy to get the hang of. when i first learned several years back, i googled “needle felting tutorials” on youtube– there are tons of helpful beginner videos out there. good luck!

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